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Frequently asked questions

About Re

What is Re?


The Re protocol acts as a global transaction layer for pure risk. It provides a direct way for most investors to earn insurance premiums by backing real-world risks in

General Liability
Umbrella Liability
Commercial Multi Peril
Workers Compensation
Personal & Commercial Auto
Professional Liability
Inland Marine
Embedded Insurance
Business Owners

Is Re a blockchain?


Re is a smart contract protocol built upon the Avalanche blockchain.

How can I get in touch with Re?


You can reach out via our  contact form  or shoot us an email at hello@re.xyz.

Protocol Mechanics

How can I participate in Re?


The Re protocol has four core participants:

  1. Coverholders (MGAs/Insurers seeking reinsurance, otherwise policyholders)
  2. Syndicates (Underwriter and/or first liquidity provider)
  3. Members (Senior liquidity providers)
  4. Auditors (Governance of protocol via staking; act as gatekeepers to participation on the network)

Do I need to be an accredited investor to participate in the Senior Pool?


Yes, to be eligible all members must complete a KYC/AML process and provide proof of their accredited investor status.

Reinsurance 101

What is reinsurance?


Reinsurance, often referred to as “insurance for insurance companies,” is a contract between a reinsurer and an insurer. In this contract, the insurance company—the cedent—transfers risk to the reinsurance company, and the latter assumes all or part of one or more insurance policies issued by the cedent.

Why is reinsurance important?


The main reason for opting for reinsurance is to limit the financial hit to the insurance company's balance sheet when claims are made. This is particularly important when the insurance company has exposure to natural disaster claims because this typically results in a larger number of claims coming in together.

How are profits generated in reinsurance?


For example, an insurance company might insure commercial property risks with policy limits up to $10 million, and then buy per risk reinsurance of $5 million in excess of $5 million. In this case, a loss of $6 million on that policy will result in the recovery of $1 million from the reinsurer.

What is an underwriter?


An underwriter is any party that evaluates and assumes another party's risk for payment. Underwriters work in many areas of finance, from the insurance industry to mortgage lending. Underwriters determine the level of the risk for lenders.